Export Promotion Scheme

Foreign Trade Policy and Procedure

The exporters are entitled for various export promotion schemes under Foreign Trade Policy like Merchandise Export Incentive Scrip (MEIS), Service Exports from India Scheme (SEIS).

The schemes are devised by the Ministry of Commerce keeping focus to develop certain sectors / products or to reimburse the high cost of freight for exports to specified market.

We help our clients to identify these benefits and also assist them in complying requirements for availing these schemes. The benefits of these schemes are granted subject to certain conditions and submission of the prescribed documents. We assist clients to understand the conditions and helps in preparing the correct set of documents which will entitle them for the benefit. We also help clients to prepare the applications, submissions, liaison with the authorities so as to get these benefits liquidated.

Industries We Serve

Pharmaceutical Industry
Chemical Industry
Automobile Industry
Engineering Industry
Agriculture Industry
Software Industry