HR Services

HR Retainership

As a retainer our expert shall act as a friend philosopher and guide to not only to the personnel in your HR Department but would also play the same role for the employees at any level in the organisation. Depending on the areas to be covered our expert would be available to your company right from recruitment to IR matters, training related activities, appraisal processes, legal compliances and what have you. In short you have a virtual in-house consultant on call!

Assistance in Recruitments

Talent identification and a proper employee fit for an organisation does not happen by accident. We can assist you in your recruitment process by being in your interview panels at any level in your selection of candidates for any commercial position.

Preparation of Employee Handbook and Policy Manuals

We can help you prepare these documents that would help in bringing all employees on the same wavelength. Such written policies help in bringing proper understanding among employees on what is expected of them and what they can expect from the organisation in return.

Preparation of Compensation Policies

Merit based equitable compensation policies are key to the success of any enterprise. Based on our enormous experience in different sectors in industry we offer to prepare tailor made compensation structures, incentive and reward schemes.

Appraisal and Assessment of Employee Performance

Performance management system of employees may easily be the most challenging and critical process every employer faces. Right from designing an appropriate appraisal process and to link it to monetary rewards and promotions calls for careful designing and monitoring of this process. Though the appraisals would be done by the superiors in the organisation our experts would be available to offer unbiased external view of potentials of employees.

Coaching and Mentoring of Employees

Not everyone can easily become a mentor. It needs training and practice and a level of understanding of human behaviour. Our expertise based on years of experience would come in handy to our clients in this area.

H R Audit

What is not measured is not controlled. So goes the saying. Employee engagement and employee satisfaction would depend on proper implementation of policies. This calls for periodic audits of how these polices are practised on the ground and how they impact the morale in the organisation. We offer to conduct such periodic audits.

Training and Development

This area of HR cannot be over emphasised. With our years of experience, we offer tailor made training programmes to the corporates. In Mr. Lele and Mr. Venkitachalam, our Chairman we have two seasoned trainers who can cover a wide spectrum of training needs of the corporates. The latter is a Trainer in EQ from Six Seconds, USA.

Industrial Relations

In India expert guidance is less when we deal with labour related issues. This arises on account of two factors. One, the paucity of experience to deal with human behaviour and the other, the plethora labour legislations that tend to differentiate the employees and their remuneration structures leading to avoidable labour unrest. Further, it is utmost important to have disciplinary mechanism for ensuring better discipline for achieving the productivity and efficiency. This area has now suddenly assumed more importance because of the Central Government’s intention to overhaul the labour laws comprehensively. We can meaningfully contribute in this area. You will find our proven expertise in negotiating with labour a major boon.

Labour Compliances

Labour laws are as vast as they are varied. Through an established system and through periodic audits we offer the corporates the comfort that their statutory requirements are properly taken care of.