DGFT: DGFT has amended the import policy of Cashew Kernels (23.02.2023)


DGFT has amended the import policy of Cashew Kernels:

ITC (HS) Code Description Import Policy Existing Import Policy Revised Import Policy
8013210 Cashew Kernel, Broken Prohibited However, import is free if CIF value is above Rs. 680/- per KG 1. However import is free if CIF value is above Rs. 680/- per KG.   2. MIP conditions, however, shall not be applicable for imports by 100% EOU and units in the SEZ.    3. SEZs and EOUs units shall not be allowed to sell the imported Cashew Kernels into DTA.
8013220 Cashew Kernel, Whole Prohibited However, import is free if CIF value is above Rs. 720/- per KG 1. However import is free if CIF value is above Rs. 720/- per KG.   2. MIP conditions, however, shall not be applicable for imports by 100% EOU and units in the SEZ.    3. SEZs and EOUs units shall not be allowed to sell the imported Cashew Kernels into DTA.

[Notification no 59, Dated 21st February, 2023]


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